Autopsien des Alltäglichen
Samstag, 27. November 2010
Talking to my wife in Germany she is telling me that already it began to snow over there. Temperatures dropped heavily within the last week after I left and now winter is about to move in.

I can imagine how it looks like, Mr. Gorillaschnitzel postet a picture directly taken out of his bedroom. Somehow I am missing the cold, the snow and the fun you can have with it. But on the other hand, still I am able to walk around here with short sleeves enjoying the sun and the warmth in the morning.

So, Mr. Gorillaschnitzel, after you let us participate in your room with a view, here is mine. Maybe the sky is not as blue as in your case, but although there is morning mist, the temperatures are already high.

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Of course, I am it a pool on the picture above?

Maestro pathologe! Solche Fotos sind Folter hier. Ich kann verstehen, dass einem Schnee mal abgehen kann, aber hey, es sind noch sechs extrem beschissen kalte Wochen bis zu meiner Flucht in die warmen Gefilde...und da muss ich echt hin....

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