Autopsien des Alltäglichen
Sonntag, 3. August 2008
Finland in the gulf region?
For the last few weeks it started now. And regarding what the colleagues say, it will become worse.


During the day temperatures now rise above 40 centigrades, last week the papers wrote it hit almost 47 during daytime. But this is not bad, as it is quite dry heat and you can stand it. For a short time, of course.

It is after sunset when it starts. All those wearing spectacles and having gone to a club in wintertime know it. You enter the club from the freezing cold outside and immediately you cannot see anything anymore. Because of the glasses getting steamed up. This is what happens over here when you leave the climatised office for entering your car in the evening. Immediately outside you are out of sight.

You can feel it as well on the palms. It feels like a film of oil is covering them immediately, you start feeling wet and sweaty, even breathing feels strange. But we were told that this will only last for two months so that at the end of the year it might stop.

Lucky us.

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The same observation ....
can be made when it ist warm like the last few days in our part of the country: Once you open the fridge it starts fogging up and if you keep it open too long water starts dripping off the shelves ....

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Humidty is truly miserable. it seldom gets that hot here, I can only imagine what humidity in that heat would be like.

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