Autopsien des Alltäglichen
Samstag, 12. Juli 2008
Harvest is near
Now we are entering the hot time of the year over here in Qatar and besides the roads you can see that summer is coming.

All date palms are now carrying big bushes of ripe dates, all having turned from green to an orange brown within the last days. Here and there already they start dropping onto the floor, but sometimes you also can see that people started pulling nets around the bushes to easily harvest the fruit.

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so please: show us a sogenannten dia-abend/slideshow, if you are, whenever, zurueck/back! okok? greetings from mr. schneck-o-six

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Even hotter than it was? Ouch!

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the palmtrees off, then add tumbleweeds.
Makes imaginary temperatur rise 5 more degrees.

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