Autopsien des Alltäglichen
Sonntag, 22. Juni 2008
Mrs. tyndra was nosy
and wanted to know how the livingroom looks like. Well, after the Amilander and Bulgariana admitted that their cleaner is currently off (and not supposed to return until their grandchildren are grandparents), I have to admit that I take the chance on Fridays to clear up the flat and the livingroom.

Most probably it was not a Friday when I took the picture, as all the dust still seems to be there. (Ok, it takes only half a day for the dust to settle again over here in Doha. You can definitely kil cleaners by asking for a completely dust-free flat)

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mr. pathologe - i do remember that i once promised never to faze you again with such a wooden thingie ;)

i know that the dust over here domicilates as quick as the doha dust. and the coffee table definitely is unappreciative as you can see every single dust particle very clearly [i cannot figure out one here]

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a few days of non-cleaning and a piece of paper lying on the table results in a nice pattern.

Easy to check the lazyness of the flat owner...

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a perfect opportunity to prove creative urges: what about a nice drawing? ;)

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Äähhmm... ich sehe kein Staub...momentmal... lass mich der Staub von Bildschirm wegwischen....äähhmm... das wird doch eine Weile dauern...vielleicht Morgen kann ich nochmal vorbeischauen um zu sehen ob es wirklich Staub bei Dir gibt.

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Staub, was ist schon Staub gegen ganze Katzenhaarflusenbälle …

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