Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008
Qatar National Day
pathologe, 13:34h
Out of the blue this year there was the celebration of Qatar National Day on December 18th. All businesses were closed that day and people already prepared a day ahead for it. At almost every roundabout you could see people standing and selling national flags to be fixed on the cars. The cranes on the construction site opposite the house were equipped with flags all over, as well was the building which is still under construction.

Some people in fact painted their cars in the national colours of Qatar, maroon and white, this guy in the picture above even was using maroon colour with glittering effects. The car was painted as well on the bonnet and even the headlights were coloured.
Unfortunately I missed the fireworks in the evening which started one hour late at ten past ten in the night, but the noise was impressive. And I could see it mirroring in the glass front of the house opposite the flat.

Some people in fact painted their cars in the national colours of Qatar, maroon and white, this guy in the picture above even was using maroon colour with glittering effects. The car was painted as well on the bonnet and even the headlights were coloured.
Unfortunately I missed the fireworks in the evening which started one hour late at ten past ten in the night, but the noise was impressive. And I could see it mirroring in the glass front of the house opposite the flat.
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