Autopsien des Alltäglichen
Mittwoch, 27. August 2008
There is pain
Fortunately now it is almost over, but a few days ago, on Friday, September 22nd, it was almost not to stand for me.

The evening before we met with several other Germans at the Qatar Bowling Centre to play a few games as a small competition. Four of each company formed a team, some companies started with two teams each.

After a short round to warm up the competition started. 3 rounds to filter out the best team, as well the best single player of all teams was awarded a small cup, too.

As our team was just set up the day before, we did not win, but reached a good 3rd place. As well one of our players was third best of the single competition. But exactly this fact that we just started this night playing the game, it caused big pain afterwards. I think Churchill was right when he said:

No sports!

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I understand exactly what you mean Herr Pathaloge, just like my week at the chair building class. Each new activity uses muscles that aren't used to being used in that way and the muscles object.

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sports is mords, Herr Pé!

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