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Samstag, 29. November 2008
Rain and towels
pathologe, 09:34h
Yesterday it was raining. The first time since May, when there was some rain last time.
It started in the morning. The sky was grey, showing clouds, which is normally unusual to the country. Most time you are facing blue sky, only distracted by dust sometimes when the wind is blowing all the desert sand into town. But yesterday it was one of the cloudy days.
On the way to a venue it started. Suddenly countable single drops hit the windscreen, like a summer rain in Europe, soft, gentle, small drops hit the car. Not many though. As soon as it started it was over, then, a few kilometers further, again. Not enough rain to switch on the wipers though, but you had to clean the screen as all the remaining dust started to create a pattern on the screen, mixed with the fastly drying water.
After the venue we saw that it must have rained some three or four more times, as the cars were covered with this drop pattern, but not enough rain to flush the dust away. Just like a sprinkling only.
Now to something totally different.
As everybody can imagine, Qatari men are all dressed mostly in long, white gowns, carrying this kind of "towel" on the head, fixed by a black rope. They all look similar, but as well over here it is a matter of brands what you wear. And even in this country with not much differences in clothes, there are the big brands selling accessories and clothes tailored especially for the market here.

It started in the morning. The sky was grey, showing clouds, which is normally unusual to the country. Most time you are facing blue sky, only distracted by dust sometimes when the wind is blowing all the desert sand into town. But yesterday it was one of the cloudy days.
On the way to a venue it started. Suddenly countable single drops hit the windscreen, like a summer rain in Europe, soft, gentle, small drops hit the car. Not many though. As soon as it started it was over, then, a few kilometers further, again. Not enough rain to switch on the wipers though, but you had to clean the screen as all the remaining dust started to create a pattern on the screen, mixed with the fastly drying water.
After the venue we saw that it must have rained some three or four more times, as the cars were covered with this drop pattern, but not enough rain to flush the dust away. Just like a sprinkling only.
Now to something totally different.
As everybody can imagine, Qatari men are all dressed mostly in long, white gowns, carrying this kind of "towel" on the head, fixed by a black rope. They all look similar, but as well over here it is a matter of brands what you wear. And even in this country with not much differences in clothes, there are the big brands selling accessories and clothes tailored especially for the market here.

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